Sunday, January 29, 2006


For a change, college had nothing to do with me having a bad week. I was riddled with what the good doctor tells me was acute sinusitis. I realized that you're better off staying at the hostel instead of coming home when you're down with something like acute sinusitis. Even if there's a holiday. Especially if you're gonna be home alone. But I realized all that a bit too late. I was already home.

My eating habits didn't help either. I was (and still am) running on a bread diet. Pizzas, burgers, doughnuts, croissants, muffins, and the occasional white bread and naan. I didn't mind, but it was kind of difficult to go as far as the nearest Hot Breads outlet to get some of these, what with my head hurting with every step I took, and me accidentally stepping on the paws of street dogs. Well, one street dog, which was sleeping before I disturbed it, and didn't seem to be bothered enough to start chasing me.

I still managed to catch a movie on Republic Day. Rang De Basanti; it was a friend's treat. It was alright, I suppose. Good fun. What wasn't fun was what happened after the movie. The friend said there was a dinner treat too, which was fantastic, but that left me in the middle of nowhere at midnight, trying to find a bus home. And buses don't run at midnight. Even at the biggest bus terminus in Asia. I resigned to spending a fortune on an auto to get home, eventually.

Oh yeah, this new design is number... Number... Well, I've lost count. Come to think of it, I never kept count. What started out to look great turned into this piece of junk before your eyes. Ah well.


  1. They are? Tried many other curly shapes before settling on this one. Couldn't decide what color it should be either.

  2. Hmmm. Lilac? I was going for a pale blue, not lilac. I must be getting color blind. I guess it doesn't matter if it 'works marvellously'...

  3. I assumed that was just a typo... Or does the extra L have some kind of significance?

  4. antickpix: Ah. Marvelllous.

    Sandeep: I don't think this one will last very long.

  5. Try refreshing. I was in the middle of changing the height and width of the header and menu while you were here.

  6. Aah! I don't have to squint to read the stuff anymore. Much better...

  7. I'm actually diggin the new look. I agree with Antickpix. The swirlies are cool.

  8. Tsunami: The l's must be feeling out of place. Or happy to be used more than e. Glad to know the teplate's nice. And the links are there, mate. Just not on the individual post pages.

    JJ: You and me both. Atleast I was liking it.
