Saturday, August 7, 2004

Handwriting problems...

It’s nearly been two months since I last wrote with a pen, and now I regret it. Every word I write (except monosyllables of course), my hand and arm hurt (the fingers too). I’ve found it easier to do 15 sets of weight lifting with a pair of 20 pound dumbbells.

But I have to try, it is important that I relearn to write. I observe that the pattern of my handwriting has changed; I do not write in a pure cursive form as before. Instead, I tend to write each letter separately, in a disjoint manner. When I consciously make an effort to correct this, the words become narrower, ergo the words become harder to comprehend.

I also notice that I incline to leave a kind of margin before I start a sentence, and as I proceed to the next paragraph, this margin widens, leading to a sloping series of paragraphs. I don’t like this; quite frankly, this perturbs me.

But all these are things that I already know. What I do not know is “how”. How do I correct these abnormalities, and how do I improve my handwriting? Some would say that writing long passages would help. But I do not feel this to be true, repetitive writing merely helps one write in a straight line, which can be managed by writing in a ruled book. It doesn’t change the way a person forms letters of the alphabet.

Another common solution to this problem of mine by many would be to buy a “Cursive Writing” practice book, like the ones they use in primary schools. That is preposterous in my opinion, for using such a book is just plain mimicry; we just imitate an existing style of writing, and do not form our own style, destroying any instance of individuality we might have had.

As I finish this, I wonder: Will the era of the pen ever come to an end? Will the people of this world throw away pens forever? Only time will tell…

1 comment:

  1. You may be using your hand in the wrong position while typing & this may be causing Carpal Tunnel.It happened to me after typing for a few hours almost every day for two years.I suggest you see a Doctor soon & take anti-inflammatory meds ( Naproxen ) in the meantime.
