Thursday, June 29, 2006

You Still Here? (Or Desires of the Heart redux)

Despite popular belief, I haven't killed this blog. Not yet, anyway. Exams got over early this month, and I've gone back to being my usual slacker self. But I didn't want to see a month missing from the archives, so here's a totally uncreative post, rehashing a list I made a year and a half back (which was called 'Desires of the Heart', and can be found here if you're interested).

It occurred to me that some of my 'desires' listed out there have been, well, satisfied. Going by the list, I wanted (in reverse, other than #9 and #10):

8. A violin. Any violin.

Well, I didn't get a violin. Didn't buy one for probably the same reason as to why Ian Anderson didn't get one in exchange for his guitar (a Fender Stratocaster, which he got from Lemmy, of Motorhead); those things don't have frets. He bought a flute instead, and I, like a wannabe rock star (which I'm not), got a guitar.

7. The best keyboard(music) ever to hit the market.

Gah, I didn't get one. I've nearly destroyed my current keyboard. Need to place it at a particular angle for it to work, and makes weird noises if multiple keys are pressed. Makes me wonder if My Bloody Valentine had a similar problem with their synthesizers.

6. A Wi-Fi enabled notebook computer for obvious reasons.

Ok, that's three consecutive things I haven't got.

5. A high resolution digital still camera, Bluetooth enabled.

Finally, something I got. Except for the Bluetooth part. I got a Cyber-shot DSC T7 (yes, that uber slim thing), with which I took most of the photos lying around this blog.

4. The best portable pocket-sized MP3 player.

I can't exactly call it the best, but it's pocket-sized, and can store 21 albums at a time. My Creative MuVo player also has FM and recording abilities, neither of which I've found myself using. Except for that one time when I recorded different people saying bad (but funny) things about other people who said bad (but funny) things about them, but that was an accident. Honest.

3. A reasonably fast broadband internet connection.

I got a reasonably fast broadband internet connection. Unlimited downloads between 9 pm and 8 am, too.

2. The best 128 MB AGP card money can buy.

Well, it used to be the best when it first came out... A GeForce 6800. Ok, so it's a GeForce 6800 LE. Big deal. It's still fabulous to the core, apart from the fact that the computer keeps crashing every now and then when playing graphic intensive games.

And, numero uno:
To get out of my college's hostel.

YIPPIE-KI-YAY! I got OUT! And I'm staying out, forever and ever and ever... Two more years of college to go, and I don't have to go from that wretched asylum.

1 comment:

  1. The Ranting HumanJuly 1, 2006 at 4:25 AM

    Ha. That RT's gonna be taking classes for us next sem.
