Monday, November 7, 2005

The horrifying power of MMORPGs.

For the uninitiated: MMORPG is short for Massively (or massive) Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game. They're basically multiplayer role-playing games. Tens of thousands of people (hence "massive") get to play in a virtual world at the same time over the Internet in MMORPGs. And I hate them. The MMORPGs, not the people.

Ragnarok was the first MMORPG I ever played. I hated it for the same reason most people hate something new - I couldn't understand a damn thing. From what I could make of it, I was a dwarf (not the mythological kind) who suffered from malnutrition. And I had to kill creatures of different species. How entertaining.

But that was many moons ago, and that game isn't the reason for writing this. This week, I happened to land myself in the fantasy world of an MMORPG again. Only this time, it was text-based, and addictive. I haven't the slightest idea why, though.

Achaea - Dreams of Divine Lands is the game. I've lived a major part of this week in it. I don't stop to think why I'm playing it. I just do. Even though I hate it. I've completely forgotten the art of bathing. The last time that happened was when I played Max Payne. But that was good. This is bad. Baaaad.

I've killed wildcats, bats, rats, earned lots of gold, learnt martial arts and tried living like a monk in the game. What I haven't done is check to see if I can still move my legs out here.

Luckily, there's a "suicide" option. BAM! I'm dead. I was dead. I created a new character and have started all over. Sigh...

Update: And here, yet again, is a spanking new template, created entirely by yours truly. Well, almost entirely. Best viewed in Firefox.


  1. Sounds addictive. I certainly won't try it. Those games suck me in and I'd like to continue bathing regularly.

  2. Well, don't. Not even just for kicks.

  3. Nope, it doesn't. But even so, the game's extremely addictive.

    And you're welcome...

  4. Hope everyone feels the same...

  5. Thanks a lot RH.Bang! in the middle of my exams,all I need are more links to things I can get addicted to..

  6. That was me earlier..

  7. I was addicted to Pharaoh at one point of time.......6 hours continuously......6 hours....!

  8. Rads: Ha! Another victim! FYI, My exams are starting this week.

    Hobbes: I vaguely remember that game... Never played it though. Saw it at a friends place a year ago, I think. Was something like Age of Empires.

  9. Hmmm... Never played Everquest, though I read about it all the time at the Ctrl-Alt-Del comic...
