Thursday, May 26, 2005

To Pass Time.

Someone just came up with a new idea for Wikipedia. And someone implemented it. Check out WikiTrivia by Philipp Lenssen of Google Blogoscoped. It's a quiz game which works by pulling articles from Wikipedia. Pretty tough.

I discovered the true potential of the radio in Yahoo! Messenger this week. I have now configured my station to play only Jethro Tull (Did I mention I like Jethro Tull?)... Though they seem to have only 2 albums (Aqualung and Original Masters). Apart from my station, the Folk and Jazz stations seem to be good. Rufus Wainwright's version of The Beatles' "Across The Universe" is being played over and over again, probably due to a lack of a good collection of folk music at Yahoo.

One more thing... My second semester exams start tomorrow, so you won't be seeing me for quite some time. Toodle-pip!


  1. The blog looks empty without all those ads. " May the Cookies be Damned and remain that way". tsunami seems to be quite a spoilsport. And pray tell what is a " toodle-pip"?!?

  2. Hey RH - WL's back online, if you're curious.

    H x

  3. Tsunami, have you moved/removed your blog or somethin? It's not there anymore...

    Like you say Hobbes, MSN sucks. Period. But I'm semi-anti-Microsoft, so...

    Toodle-pip means "Goodbye", or at least that's what I think it means, Max.

    Great to know WL's back Hannah!
